Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The perfect joke

 A perfect men and a perfect woman met in a perfect day.

After some perfect dates they had a perfect wedding.

One night on X-mas they drove there perfect car on a dangerous road, but suddenly they saw a man on the side of the road, and because they are perfect they stopped for him and they discovered theta that man is Santa, and he is carrying a bag of gifts.

Santa got in the car and they drove away.

After a couple of minutes there was an accident and 2 of them died. Only the woman survived...

Why did the woman survived, you ask?... because the perfect man an Santa does not existent.

If you are a woman: Stop reading here.

If you are a man: If the perfect man an Santa does not existent, that means that the woman was driving and that explains the accident.

If you are a woman and you kept reading: You just proved that women won’t listen!

via  (NSFW content)

1 comment:

  1. For a perfect joke, this sure has plenty of spelling errors!


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