Saturday, August 12, 2006

Technobabble and Social Engineering 101

Man creates fictional items and advertises them for sale

CabrinatorsSet of 4 Aeylind GL3 cabrinators. These are good quality, third series cabrination units with reinforced lode housings. They are in excellent condition - There is some heat discolouration on the rear units, but otherwise they are flawless. A spare crosslink protector is included.

They are currently tuned asynchronously but can easily be recalibrated if needed.

Am looking for a quick sale in order to upgrade to 5th series, hence low price of £200 ono.

Please note that these are NOT the XC models with onboard hetrodynes. I will not split the set so please don't ask!

He details all of his correspondence regarding these carbinators, which are actually the undersides of videogame joysticks.

In conclusion he writes:

  1. People will believe anything, no matter how ridiculous, as long as you sound authoritative and put in some practical details.
  2. People in offices are so bored that they'll follow up any old crap they see advertised in a vain effort to inject some interest into their day.
  3. Most people are stupid, but not quite as stupid as me.

Read the whole story  Very funny stuff


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