Tuesday, August 29, 2006

There's something about Mary

Turtle MARY_P1The Virgin Mary, that is….

First, she appeared on a grilled cheese. Then, a highway underpass.

Now, behold, the Virgin Mary has descended upon the belly of a Burbank pet turtle.

In a shallow plastic tank on Lotus Drive, the chocolate brown vision beams from the pink gut of a sand turtle named Mary.

Sitting beneath a gold-speckled paper plate featuring a coloring book version of Jesus' mom, Shirley McVane dangled the turtle from her plump fingers.

"She came to a holy house," said the feisty 81-year-old, her voice a low rumble. "I think she came to visit us so God knows she's happy and safe."

About a year ago, McVane's grandson bought her little Mary and her tank-mate Joseph (they were named after the silhouette appeared) from a local pet store.

The turtles were just babies then, smaller than a quarter. But as they grew, the image on Mary's belly began to take shape.

Read the story.


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