Saturday, September 30, 2006

Hangover cures

Here are just a few from the list….

  • peel a goat's head and put it in a pot, covering it with water. Add vegetables and spices appealing to your taste and boil it for four to twelve hours. To cure your hangover, drink the broth then crack the goat skull open and eat the brain
  • lime juice popsicles
  • a pint of cold yogurt mixed with a pint of cold water till thoroughly blended. Now drnk it.
  • stick a lemon slice in your armpit or ­ better yet ­ in your ass
  • beer mixed with clam juice
  • pickled tomatoes washed down by the brine they were pickled in.
  • two drops of tobasco on your tongue tip followed by the baby formula Pedialyte.
  • get two bananas and two cans of your favorite cola. Immediately after you wake up, eat a banana as fast as you can and do ten jumping jacks. Then, quickly, drink one can of cola, slamming it without stopping, followed by five more jumping jacks. Repeat with the second banana and second cola.
  • drink one glass of cold milk, then eat five teaspoons of ketchup and some tobasco hot sauce.
  • eat raw cabbage, pickled pigs feet and drink a diet cola...near a bucket...if you know what we mean
  • eat a pickled sheep's eye in a glass of tomato juice.

The complete list

I think I’d just prefer the hangover.


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