Wednesday, October 18, 2006

3 down and 1 to go to the World Series

Card vs Mets.jpgThe atmosphere at Busch Stadium last night when the St. Louis Cardinals beat the New York Mets 4–2 was incredible to witness.  

A World Series victory in St. Louis, a long time in coming, will be even more incredible.   The win last night made it possible.  I figured the Cardinals had to win last night to go ahead of the Mets 3–2 in order to pull it off in New York with one more victory.   It’s possible, but won’t be easy.  However, we do have our ace Chris Carpenter on the mound tonight.

GO CARDS!  (Apologies to any Mets fans out there.)

1 comment:

  1. Playing to see who gets swept by the Tigers in the World Series.

    Tigers pitching is no joke, Good Luck!


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