Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bits & Pieces Hits ONE MILLION HITS

Thanks a millionSometime overnight we hit the magical 1,000,000th hit on Bits and Pieces.   I am probably 50,000 of those hits (proof-reading after posting), but I’m not counting that.

Thanks to all who visit and all who link to Bits & Pieces … and to all I steal stuff from.   I try to give credit on most of the things I post.  

Thanks a million!



  1. Oops I forgot to login properly.

    This time it's from me.


    The GTB

    P.S How can you tell how many hits you've had on blogger?

  2. I use a counter from Site Meter. There is a link if you scroll down from the first page (on the right) that says Site Meter. I can see it anyway, I just assumed everyone else can. I can click on it and get info and they send me a report every week.
    Thanks for your comment.



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