Thursday, October 12, 2006

Mr. Ed wasn't a talking horse... of course - after all

MredbwHe was a zebra!  Apparently the stripes on a zebra didn’t show up on TV shows that were filmed in black and white. 

For those of you too young to remember, Mr. Ed was program about a talking horse that aired on CBS in the early 60’s.

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Update:   I’ve been duped!  I’m gullible!   If I had gone on and read more about this I would have discovered that it is a farce.   I admit I was surprised when I originally read this….. that’s why I posted it.   And I trusted that would be an accurate source for info.  

So, the truth is, Mr. Ed really was a horse.   But don’t tell me he really could talk?



  1. Be sure to follow the "More information about this page" link at the bottom:

    That's the one that says you're an idiot if you believe a web page just because it's on Snopes.

  2. Odd, that the stripes on the zebras all showed up just fine when Marlin Perkins (Wild Kingdom) was filming them in black and white. Congratulations on putting yourself in the running for Gullible Person of the Year!

  3. They put a blob of peanut butter between his lip and gums to get him to move his mouth.

  4. saw this on many sites so youre not the only one farced lol


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