Friday, November 24, 2006

How a fly keeps things clean

Fly-urinalAny man who has ever been to Holland on a vacation/business trip, will always remember the ‘fly’ in the urinals. Many toilets in Amsterdam have the outline of a fly etched into the porcelain of the toilet. Well, while most people find it amusing, they seem to over-look to function of the fly.
Well, turns out the fly has become a ‘target’ for us men, and thats a good thing too! Because the fly is positioned strategically to cause the least amount of splatter and back-splashing! And research has shown that spillage has decreased by 80%!

From  via


  1. They have those at the Seattle/Tacoma airport too, expect they're little swirls.

  2. I have traveled through the Amsterdam airport on several occasions and let me tell you this: while the little fly may be intriguing it certainly does not help to keep things clean - the men's restrooms are still filthy. Cleaner than the airport in Paris, but that isnt saying much.


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