Sunday, November 19, 2006

Perhaps the best scam ever

It is amazing what kind kind of brilliant scams people thing of.

Australian Police have been unable to recommend a prosecution for the following scam. A company takes out a newspaper advertisement claiming to be able to supply imported hard core pornographic videos. As their prices seem reasonable, people place orders and make payments via check. After several weeks, the company writes back explaining that under the present law they are unable to supply the materials and do not wish to be prosecuted. So they return their customers money in the form of a company check. However, due to the name of the company, few people ever bother to present these to their banks.

The name of the company is ‘The Anal Sex and Fetish Perversion Company’.



  1. That same joke was used in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998).

  2. Yeah i doubt this is true because it was in that movie. Also in the movie I believe the story goes that the scammer had two company bank accounts - one with a name like that and one with a less perverse name that people wouldn't mind writing a check to. Anyway, I'd think they would have figured out a way to prosecute that by now considering the movie came out in 1998.

  3. Take a look at what snopes has to say about this "scam"

  4. Most people would rather have their money back. Who cares if their banker sees that they've purchased porno? And a guy's wife would be more ticked-off if he let the money go than the fact that he attempted to purchase porn. In fact, she'll probably think that his failed little porno scheme is pretty funny. So man up and cash the check already.

  5. Apart from being an urban myth, the other point where this scam falls over is that in Australia most people deposit cheques through ATM's. Totally anonymous....

  6. about what anonymous said at 6:41:

    i dont think that they are even thinking about how anonymous ATM's can be, but rather thinking about who opens the bank statements at home, as in joint bank accounts and nosy wives and girlfriends

  7. ATM's are anonymous? Hah! _Someone_ has to actually open the envelope you deposit and process it. Believe me, that definitely is NOT anonymous. (As evidenced by the "don't you usually deposit using the atm" comment I heard recently when I actually went into my bank)

  8. I own a great book called "aligators in the sewer". the book is at least 10 years old. contains all different urban legends. this one is in there and it was definitely one of my favorites!

  9. Banks with live tellers? Is this the twentieth century?

  10. If it were me, they'd get my money because I'd have the check framed.

  11. I'd be showing that ck to everyone, take a picture of it then cash that shit!!!


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