Monday, November 20, 2006

Vintage video

Searsvhsbeta via

I had a VCR just like the one pictured at the bottom, with a wired remote control.  

Even before that I had one of these Sony Betamax systems.
1975 Betamax
The Very First Betamax!  A 19" Sony Trinitron TV with a one-hour Betamax, the SL-6200. Only $2495!!  The 1-hour K-60 tapes, when you could find them, were a hefty $16.95; the 30 min. K-30 tapes were $12.95.  These two original tapes were not usable on the new X-2 and X-3 (BII and BIII) machines that came out years later.

I had to hook a black and white ‘wired’ camera up to it because no one made a color camera for consumer use then.


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