Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What to do if you drop your cell phone in the toilet

Phone_in_toilet… or any other water.

Read Save a Wet Cell Phone


1 comment:

  1. What I've been told for helping repair your cell phone if dropped in water (including a toilet) is to dry it off with a towel immediately and then take the battery and SIM card out (if possible take the cell phone apart as much as you can). Dry every piece off to make sure you've dried it as much as possible manually.
    The next thing to do would be to put your cell phone and all it's pieces in something absorbent (such as rice or oatmeal). This absorbent food will take out any form of moisture that may be lodged in the rest of the cell phone. Keep the cell phone in the rice/oatmeal as long as possible.
    Your cell phone should be back in working order after this, if not then the water reached something important in the cell phone which means you'll have to purchase a new phone.


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