Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Biker buddy in room 302

A biker buddy of mine called a local hospital . . . .

"Hello. Could you connect me to the person who gives information about patients.

I'd like to find out if a patient is getting better, doing as expected, or getting worse."

The voice on the other end said, "What is the patient's name and room number?"

"Bubba Smith, room 302."

"I'll connect you with the nursing station . . . . "

"3-A Nursing Station. How can I help You?"

"I'd like to know the condition of Bubba Smith in room 302."

"Just a moment. Let me look at his records.

Mr. Smith is doing very well. In fact, he had two full meals, his blood pressure is fine, he is to be taken off the heart monitor in a couple of hours and,

if he continues this improvement, Dr. Cohen is going to send him home Tuesday at noon."

The biker said, "What a relief! Oh, that's fantastic . . . that's wonderful news!"

The nurse said, "From your enthusiasm, I take it you are a close family member or a very close friend!"

"Neither! I AM Bubba Smith in 302! Nobody here tells me s**t."


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