Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays to all the Bits & Pieces visitors. 

Kids and Christmas

My daughter was playing Mary and forgot her lines so she ad-libbed, telling Joseph: 'I'm having a baby - oh, and it's not yours...'

 When my daughter went to see Santa, he asked what her name was. She said: "Angela. What's yours?"
Without thinking, he replied: "Bill..."

I asked my young grandson what he would like Santa to bring him. He produced a rather long list. When I commented on the length of it, he replied: "It's just in case this is the last year I believe in him."

 Last Christmas my son said thoughtfully: "I hate to think what Santa spends on Scotch tape."

I was at my friend's house when her six-year-old son poked his head round the door and said: "Mom, you know I wanted a bike for Christmas? Well I don't need it now. I just found one behind your wardrobe!"

 My nine-year-old son was learning the world's capital cities.
"What's Istanbul the capital of ?" he asked me.
Hinting at Turkey, I said: "We eat a lot of it at Christmas."
"Greece," he replied.
So much for my cooking, then.

Chicago Tribune Christmas Carol Quiz


Ten best self made Christmas trees

Tiny tots

Track Santa


For a lot more Christmas links there's Miss Cellania's Christmas links Volume 1, Volume 2 and Volume 3.

Silent Night  (Misheard lyrics are immortalized as ‘mondegreens.)
Silent Night
More Misheard Christmas lyrics

The Christmas Fart

via all the regulars

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