Thursday, December 07, 2006

Two Eileens lead eerily similar lives

EileensThis is very strange:

A pair of Eileen McLaughlins, born on the same day a few miles apart in Brooklyn, discovered each other last week - and learned that not only do their dads and kids also share birthdays, but they have led eerily similar lives from Day One, right down to their profession, choice of husband and penchant for a particular TV psychic.

Three weeks ago, Eileen Mary realized that for years she had been receiving Eileen Teresa's annual Social Security statement. So she went to her local Social Security office to straighten things out.

Only after a week of discussions did the office realize its mistake and begin rectifying the Eileens' accounts. Eileen Mary finally called Eileen Teresa last week to ask if she was aware of the bureaucratic foul-up, and it wasn't long before the myriad coincidences emerged.

Read the story


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