Friday, December 29, 2006

Vaginal bear trap will snag a rapist

Bear trapThe anti-rape female condom (aka vaginal bear trap) was invented by Sonette Ehlers, a South African woman. It is intended to prevent rape by hooking onto an attacker's penis, hurting and disabling him. 

The device is a latex tube fitted internally with shafts of sharp, inward-facing plastic barbs that could be worn by a woman in her vagina, similar to a tampon. Should an attacker attempt vaginal rape, the penis would be hooked by the barbs, causing the attacker pain and giving the victim time to escape. The condom would remain attached to the attacker's penis and, according to the device's creator, could be removed only surgically, which would alert hospital staff and police that an attempted rape could have taken place.

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  1. Or it could be used to falsely claim rape.

  2. But only if the man agreed to have it (painfully) hooked on to his penis in the first place!!
    I don't think so - do you?

  3. Do you think some sick minded woman would use it as a joke on a one night stand!?! OUCH!!

  4. Not only are there women out there who would intentionally do it for one reason or another (hey, there are psychos of both genders), but how many women are going to wear one of these, go out clubbing or bar hopping, get plastered drunk and forget it's even there and willingly have sex?

  5. I do think this could have the reverse effect...instead of saving, it could kill the woman. I suspect that anyone who is trapped by this would be in such pain that he would use every ounce of energy to kill the woman who used it on him. Not exactly a smart device...pretty dumb and risky, if you ask me...not that you were, but I'm just saying.


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