Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Damn, we're good!

According to Sitescore, a free tool which rates how well designed, popular and accessible your website is, Bits & Pieces received this accolade:

Your website is ranked 116,423 in the world. This is good and shows you have a website which is widely visited.

It named off some other stuff that said I was bad (and that I really didn’t understand) ….but lets focus on the positive.  

The total results


  1. Sorry Jonco I don't think it works that well.

    It ranked my blog as 15 in the world. Hardly likely because I've made about 20 posts in over a year.


    I still love Bits and Pieces though.

    Keep up the good work

    The GTB

  2. I wonder how accurate this is. I just started my blogsite also (http://larrysmeaninglessmeanderings.blogspot.com/) and it ranked it 15 in the world!

  3. Hey!!!1!! SPIIDERWEB™ was ranked 15th. What's going on here?

    Perhaps we're all da best?

    Bits and Pieces rocks whether 15th or 15,000,0000th.


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