Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Daylight Savings 2.0: How to avoid the calendar chaos

March 07As part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005  Congress changed the starting date for Daylight Savings Time from the first Sunday in April to the second Sunday in March, effective 2007 - that’s March 11 this year.

 If you’re on a Mac, all is well provided you update to OS X 10.4.6 or later (one more excuse, er, reason to upgrade to Leopard when it comes out!). 

If you’re a Windows user, Microsoft has you covered with a variety of software updates.

If you keep track of meetings with a PDA or one of the plethora of online calendars…well, good luck.  It’s going to be interesting, to say the least, to see which of them manages to make the changeover correctly this year.  It won’t be a disaster of Y2K proportions (oh, wait, that didn’t actually happen), but some people are certainly going to be an hour late to things.

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