Saturday, January 13, 2007

How is this made?

I need to be drinking to look at stuff like this.  This is a photo…not a drawing.  I can kind of understand how they do this with a drawing…but a real object?




  1. I think one of my commenters has the answer.

  2. Yep, Gail's commenter has it right. The bar running from upper left to lower right is actually a spur sticking out in the direction of the watch, and the end of it hangs in mid-air over the end of its shadow.

    The end of the spur is carefully beveled - and the model carefully angled toward the camera - so that from the camera's point of view, the forward edge of the spur lines up exactly with the left edge of the right vertical post.

    To complete the illusion, a 2x2x1 block is glued to the right post at exactly the height that its edges appear to be in line with the edges of the spur.


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