Monday, January 08, 2007

Lawyers and blondes

A lawyer is seated next to a blonde on an airplane.

He figures he'll have some fun, so he suggests they play a game. He'll ask the blonde a question, and if she doesn't know the answer he'll give her $5. Then the blonde will ask him a question, and if he doesn't know the answer then he will give her $500.

The lawyer asks the first question: "What is the distance to the moon and back in kilometers?" After thinking about this the blonde says "I dunno. Here is your $5."

"Now it is your turn" says the lawyer. "OK," says the blonde, "What goes uphill on four legs and downhill on three legs?"

After racking his brains for several minutes the lawyer gives up, "Here's your $500, but would you mind telling me the answer?"

" I dunno", says the blonde, "here's your $5."


1 comment:

  1. lol thats the best i gotta remember that one:P


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