Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A prize in every bag

Hex nut found in frozen chicken bag

Hexnutchicken1Now included with your bag of Walmart's "Great Value" house brand chicken breasts...a steel hex nut off of a very large bolt. We've heard of getting a prize in a box of cracker jacks, but this is ridiculous.

No word if the nut also comes in BBQ flavor.





Chicken1  Chicken2

Read the story


1 comment:

  1. I don't care about the hex nut, actually it's a cool bonus to go with the bolt in my GV applesauce. I guess it's like Garanimals. Just match up the parts and you've made dinner... or a car. (Just kidding about the applesauce.)

    What gets me is why do I pay over a dollar more for the exact same item AND 8.5% sales tax on it, too? I'm moving to AZ.


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