Monday, April 16, 2007

$50 is $50

Morris And His Wife Esther Went To The State Fair Every Year, And Every Year Morris Would Say,"Esther, I'D Like To Ride In That Helicopter".

Esther Always Replied ," I Know Morris, But That Helicopter Ride Is $50 Dollars And $50 Dollars Is $50 Dollars".

One Year Esther And Morris Went To The Fair, And Morris Said" Esther I'M 85 Years Old. If I Don't Ride That Helicopter, I Might Never Get Another Chance".

Esther Replied" Morris That Helicopter Is $50 Dollars And $50 Dollars Is $50 Dollars".

The Pilot Over Heard The Couple And Said," Folks I'll Make You A Deal.    I'll Take The Both Of You For A Ride.  If You Can Stay Quiet For The Entire Ride And Not Say A Word I Don't Charge You!  But If You Say One Word, It's $50 Dollars".

Morris And Esther A Greed And Up They Went.  The Pilot Did All Kinds Of Fancy Maneuvers, But Not A Word Was Heard.  He Did His Dare Devil Tricks Over And Over Again, But Still Not A Word.

When They Landed, The Pilot Turned To Morris And Said, "By Golly, I Did Everything I Could To Get You To Yell Out, But You Didn't.  I'm Impressed!"

Morris Replied" Well I Was Going To Say Something When Esther Fell Out........    But $50 Dollars Is .....$50 Dollars".

Thanks Joe P


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