Saturday, April 07, 2007

And what do you do for a living?

TOP 20 silly job titles

1. Vision Clearance Engineer — window cleaner

2. Education Centre Nourishment Production Assistant — dinner lady

3. Waste Removal Engineer — garbage man

4. Domestic Engineer — housewife

5. Knowledge Navigator — teacher

6. Flueologist — chimney sweep

7. Stock Replenishment Adviser — supermarket shelf stacker

8. Head of Verbal Communications — receptionist/secretary

9. Petroleum Transfer Engineer — petrol station worker

10. Foot Health Gain Facilitator — chiropodist

11. Coin Facilitation Engineer — toll booth collector

12. Cash Relation Officer — banker

13. Environment Improvement Technician — cleaner

14. Revenue Protection Officer — transport ticket inspector

15. Technical Horticultural Maintenance Officer — gardener

16. Wastewater Treatment Officer — sewage worker

17. Crockery Cleansing Operative — dishwasher

18. Space Consultant — estate agent

19. Media Distribution Officer — paperboy

20. Dispatch Services Facilitator — postroom worker


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