Sunday, May 13, 2007

8 foot gator goes car shopping

A worker at a Cocoa Florida car dealership got quite a surprise, Thursday, an angry alligator underneath one of the new cars.8 ft gator
There's a saying: Anywhere there's water in Florida, you are likely to find an alligator. The problem is, when the water starts drying up, the alligators start moving.
Most people go to a dealership to look at the cars. Thursday, it was the alligator under the car drawing the crowd.
The 7-foot-11 reptile was found hiding under a Mitsubishi up for sale, drawing a crowd and a gator trapper with a warning.
"He could jet out from underneath there quicker than any snake and grab an ankle and do a lifetime of damage," said trapper Bill Robb.

Read the story


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