Thursday, May 24, 2007

How to start each day with a positive outlook

1. Open a new file in your computer.
2. Name it "Hillary Rodham Clinton"
3. Send it to the trash.
4. Empty the trash.
5. Your PC will ask you, "Do you really want to get rid of "Hillary Rodham Clinton?"
6. Firmly Click "Yes."
7. Feel better.

PS: Next week we'll do Nancy Pelosi

Note:  This works just as well with the Republicans of your choice.



  1. Are you serious? You're in favor of republican policy leaders???

    If so, well good-bye! I've had you bookmarked for over 18 months, check your blog almost every other day. This was the "kill point".

    Damn. Shoulda seen it comin'. Seeya, loser. Dare ya' to post this comment, freedom-hater.

    Posted anonymous so no one ever tracks my identity to your lame point of view.

  2. I think the point is that it's demonstrating a particular joke style. And for the majority of readers to be able to understand the format, a widely-known yet controversial topic was chosen to get the style of the joke across. Perhaps you can insert "my head up my ass" in place of "Hillary Rodham Clinton" and it will work for you. But the problem is that your favorite phrase doesn't seem as funny to most Americans.

    Why are these uptight people allowed to have free speech but don't want anyone else to have it? And why do they have internet access?

  3. Woah there. Check out the post just above the one that offended you. The one that implies George Bush can't even read. Looks pretty fair and balanced to me!

  4. Dear Anonymous #1,
    I appreciate you reading my blog and even your misguided comment. I'm truly amazed the way people can pigeon hole me on politics. I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. I wouldn't even say that I'm an Independent (not even sure what that means.) I vote for people not parties. My parents were strict Democrats and voted Democratic no matter who was on the ticket. If Hitler had run on the Democratic ticket I believe my folks would have voted for him.
    If I run across something that I find funny or especially interesting about a political figure I'll post it. I don't care if he's a Republican or Democrat.
    I'm not "in favor" or against any party or administration. But, I think if a person is elected, I'm willing to give him a chance to see if he can make things happen, not just hate him and everything he does because he's from a particular party. To me that is just stupid.
    Again, thanks for reading... and I'm sorry you don't find anything else here interesting enough to keep coming back. Political posts (one side or the other) are such a small part of this blog, I guess I'll survive without your narrow-minded view and additional comments about my "lame point of view".
    Have a nice day :-)

    "Freedom-hating Loser"


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