Tuesday, May 29, 2007

JFK would have turned 90 today

KennedyJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917.  Here is some JFK trivia:

  •  Kennedy was the first President to hold a press conference on television.

  •  He was the first president to also be a Boy Scout.

  •  John F. Kennedy was the first president to use the desk that was a present from Queen Victoria.

  •  Kennedy was the first and only Roman Catholic president.

  •  He was the youngest man elected president, but not our youngest president, Teddy Roosevelt was younger at the time of his inauguration.

  •  John F. Kennedy is one of two presidents that is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

  •  One of his favorite poems was "I Have a Rendezvous With Death" by Alan Seeger.

  •  His father said "I will not pay for a landslide." during his campaign.

  • Kennedy was the first president born in the 20th century.

  •  He won a Pulitzer Prize for his book "Profiles in Courage."

  • Kennedy was the only president to appoint their brother to a cabinet post.

  • Kennedy commissioned Pierre Salinger to buy and stockpile 1,500 Havana cigars on the eve of signing the Cuban trade embargo. Famous author C.S. Lewis died on the same day that Kennedy was shot. Kennedy was a very fast random speaker, with upwards of 350 words per minute. His right leg was 3/4 of an inch longer than his left, so he wore corrective shoes to make up for it. Kennedy canceled all White House subscriptions to the New York Herald Tribune. When a copy of the Tribune was used to line a box for newborn puppies in the White House, JFK reportedly commented “It’s finally found its proper use.”

  • John F. Kennedy had a sister, Rosemary, who was mentally retarded.

  • Kennedy was the first president who had served in the U.S. Navy.

  •  Kennedy was called Jack by his friends.

  •  He was named after his grandfather, John F. Fitzgerald.

Kennedy Presidential Library

1 comment:

  1. "JFK would have turned 90 today"
    except he was murdered by the same Gang of Criminals who hold the reins of the U.S. Government today.


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