Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Lord works in mysterious ways...

Shed falls from the sky
Church buildingIt may go down in the books as an unexplained phenomena, although for insurance purposes there might be a case for an act of God.

Last Monday afternoon, skies were virtually clear and there was only a light breeze at Elkhorn in Casey County Kentucky, when a four-thousand pound aluminum storage building rose from the rear of a church and fell onto the church roof.

Pastor Jeff Edwards of the Pine Grove Church says the 12-by-24 foot building had a few building supplies inside, but no explosive materials. No suspicious residues were found by the sheriff's office and state police. The flying shed left a hole in a wall of the church.

Texas Eastern Gas found no evidence of natural gas leaks. Edwards says in Acts Chapter One, the Bible says that Jesus ascended and that "... the 120 were in the upper room praying." He also quoted Acts Chapter two that says the Holy Spirit came as a "... rushing, mighty wind, and it sealed those that were in the upper room praying."

The day before the incident, church attendance had been 120, and the hole in the church wall was in the prayer room. Damage has been estimated at nearly $20,000.


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