Sunday, May 20, 2007

Politics doesn't change much

On my trip to Springfield yesterday I learned that Abe Lincoln was not the most popular man around in his day.   The press went after him just as they now do the current president.  

Which president was accused of changing the purpose for the war he was waging?

Which president was ridiculed for being a poor speaker?

Which president was accused of lacking in intelligence?

Which president was accused of having an incompetent administration?

Which president had a secretary of defense that the press demanded resign?

If you answered Abraham Lincoln AND George W. Bush to all of the above, you are correct.  Lincoln was really hated by a lot of people.

Hopefully the current president will end up being half as good a president as Lincoln was, and not just a doofus that some believe he is.   Time will tell.  Stay tuned.

Read more about bad press for President Lincoln


  1. I love your blog, but you have to admit that giving Bush even a slightly non-insulting mention puts you in a dull light. In fact, more like dark dullness.

    Imagine a world without him. Please.

  2. I'm trying to imagine a world without close minded self-rightous pinheads like you.

  3. probably wouldn't be all that different, i doubt bush is the source of all the evil in the world.


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