Sunday, May 06, 2007

Top 10 body hacks

From Lifehacker:

We geeks spend a lot of time tinkering with our PCs, but the greatest computer you'll ever use is your body. Today's Top 10 takes a break from circuits, software and chips to take a look at how to power use that hot bod of yours. You might be surprised what you can do as a bag of mostly water.
How to hack your senses, free your mind, cure common maladies and more in Lifehacker's Top 10 body hacks.

 1. Hold your breath longer
 2. Cure warts with duct tape
3. Stop brain freeze with your tongue
4. Scratch your leg to make it to the loo
5. Power use your ears
6. Free your mind under a high ceiling
 7. Think while you sleep
 8. Cure hiccups with water
9. Whistle with two fingers
 10. Tell if someone's lying


1 comment:

  1. Oof. It makes me dizzy, but I almost whistled (I've never been able to whistle). I'm gonna keep trying, even if I end up passing out! ;)


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