Tuesday, June 26, 2007

According to the nation's mayors, St. Louis water is the best

 Tap waterTime to raise a glass to St. Louis water — it's been named the best in the land.  Mayors from around the country declared Monday that St. Louis water rises to the top. The water was judged on taste, clarity and aroma.
St. Louis bested four other finalists, chosen from an original field of more than 90 cities.
David Visintainer, the city's water commissioner, is soaking it up.   “That's a pretty great honor," he said.
A limestone derivative is added to "soften" the water, Visintainer said, and a carbon process is used to wipe out pollutants. St. Louis water is odor neutral, he said, without the brownish tint that keeps water filter salesmen afloat in other big cities.
"Our water is especially clear," Visintainer said.
The honor shouldn't be a surprise.  Generations of beer barons have used St. Louis water to better their brew.  The award — bestowed by the U.S. Conference of Mayors — comes with a $15,000 prize and the title "Best Tasting City Water in America."
Visintainer isn't sure how the city Water Department will celebrate, but, he said, if there is a party, don't expect bottled water.



  1. It's funny.... I was just visiting STL over the weekend (my dad and I -- two Chicagoan Cardinals fans to catch Saturday's game), and I said to Dad, "This water really tastes good." Seriously, I said that. I love the Chicago area water, but it's not as good as St. Louis' water!

  2. i'm live in st. louis and just a couple weeks ago the water smelled terrible and tasted of fish..its back to normal now.

  3. I've lived in St. Louis most of my life but I spent ten years in Wyoming. Maybe it's not a fair comparison but Wyoming water is vastly better-tasting to St. Louis water.


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