Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Got flood insurance?

EastCoast100-480Here is a map of the east coast showing the result of a 100 meter rise in the ocean due to a polar meltdown (global warming worst case scenario).

I’m not sure how valid the scenario is but it is interesting, that’s for sure.  Something to think about.




  1. In order for us to see a 100 meter rise in ocean levels, the ice pack in Antartica would have to melt. (The arctic ice pack is floating on water, and will not raise ocean levels at all as it melts. Greenland doesn't have enough ice to matter.)

    Antarctica has an average temperature of -40 degrees F. To raise it to melting temperature would mean about 70 degrees rise in global temperatures. Plus the equivalent of another 30 degress to actually melt it.

    If we have a 100 degree rise in temperatures, flooding will not be much of a concern.

    (And let's not even go in to how much energy it would take to melt that much ice.)

  2. 10 meters, anon. It said 10 meters.

  3. The linked page says 100 meters. The map shows 100 meters.

    (And even ten meters is silly, unless you start melting Antarctica.)

  4. thank God i live on the west coast where we are safe

  5. Thank goodness for global warming. All the talk about global warming has finally stopped the talk about the hole in the ozone layer that was going to kill us in the 80s. I predict an end to global warming in about 5 years. Because the only way to end global warming is when they start talking about something else for a decade, like asteroids or martians or WWIII.

  6. Will my property values go up significantly since I will be living closer to the ocean?

  7. The first commenter obviously knows nothing about Physics, the properties of Thermodynamics, or Fluid dynamics. If the portion of ice and snow that is above the water level on the ice caps were to melt, the ocean would naturally and logically try to level itself out. This would result in an increase in water level caused by the increased volume of water near the poles. IN regards to the 100 degree temperature change, thats flat BS. It doesn't have to be over 32 degrees for ice to melt. The problem with global warming is that we are getting too much energy coming into the atmosphere, and not enough leaving. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses are not permitting as much solar energy to leave, thus slowly warming the planet.


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