Thursday, June 28, 2007

I'm rich... I'm rich

LeapFish just appraised my website name ( at $1,271.00

I got an appraised value score of 41 (Whatever that means.)

Here’s their jargon:

What is your domain name worth? Domain Name Rags to Riches
You may have heard �rags to riches� type stories of cheap domain names resold for hundreds of thousands of dollars. During the good old days of the Internet boom this was possible. However, things have slowed down considerably since then and there it is very rare to hear of a domain name sold for more than $10,000.

Today�s Market
While big deal domain sales occur less often in today�s domain market, selling domain names can still be very profitable. Short, catchy, .com domain names are selling for upwards of $5,000 on the domain aftermarket. Other longer, but still usable, .com�s can be worth hundreds of dollars.

Anybody want to buy my name?

Speaking of being rich… I got my first Adsense check today.  $160.18.  Thanks to those who clicked those ads!



  1. ummm. .... .. . they said one of my domain names is worth $7076. if there was a link to sell it for 50% of that immediately, i would clicked it in a heartbeat. i have had the domain for 6 or 7 years now, and although i would miss it, the 60" plasma would bring a lot more smiles to my face than an email address. lol!

  2. I know of another how much is your blog worth and yours came up $0.00.

    1 of mine blogs was $12.00 on LeapFish and $3,387.24 on

    If you would do another one you will probably still get a different amount.

  3. Leapfish says $3,800 for my personal site that has not been updated for years.

    Congrats Jon.

  4. Just checked my site and it's worth $9,000!

  5. Had this "" domain for a long time, then stopped company and forgot once to keep it registered.
    Now it says it worth $25,604.00.
    Well, some company tried once to buy it from us for 60 000 €. That time we were stupid not to sell it, and now I'm 25,604 $ miserable

  6. Here are mine $307,340.00 $45,696.00 $156.00 $144.00 $184.00 $2,163.00 $456.00

    Funny thing is I make $0 from deaddog
    and would sell it in a heartbeat for anything near that price.
    The next 4 on the list makes a respectable profit each month and no way would I let them go for anything near those prices.
    I wonder where the numbers came from?


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