Thursday, June 21, 2007

Laughter is the best medicine

If this doesn’t make you laugh, there is something wrong with you.



  1. I guess there's something wrong with me. I like funny things, but watching people get hurt makes me cringe. I can't handle this type of video.

  2. I agree...I think it's in bad taste to laugh at someone having a tree fall on them (among other things). I guess there must be something wrong with me, too....

  3. i guess there's something wrong with me too

  4. i'm lucky there's nothing wrong with me =)

  5. What a boring life you people must lead if you are not able to find things funny. Laugh a little!!!!!!!!!

  6. I don't find it funny either. Okay, apart from the kitties and the guy with the icecream.. that is funny. But the rest just hurts to watch. Maybe i've got something seriously wrong, but I agree with whoever the first anonymous is.

  7. what a boring life you have if you find this schlock funny. it's low-brow slap-stick garbage.

  8. there's definitely something wrong with me too. like 2 of them were funny.

  9. hmm, so is there something wrong with me too? O_o I agree with the anonymouses :) like, seriously, why do people find it funny to watch others fall down &/or hurt themselves? it's inhumane! <:O


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