Friday, June 08, 2007

Technical Difficulties

BackhoeYesterday, I had some technical difficulties.  They are installing sewers along my street.  A man operating a backhoe, a tad (or two tads) larger than the one pictured here, just severed my phone line in one fell swoop.   The fine folks at SBC… or AT&T… or whatever they’re calling themselves today, came out and made the repair this morning.  So I should be back to normal.  

 I apologize for any inconvenience just in case anyone noticed that there were no posts yesterday.


  1. i case anyone noticed?!?!?

    my office was going haywire today! how could you leave us hanging!?

    keep up the good work

  2. Oh, I definitely noticed! Glad you're back!

  3. noticed your absence, too. Since you did not give us a heads-up, I figured something was awry...

  4. Not that I'm parinoid or even slightly over react, but I was just trying to figure out how to direct 911 to you from Australia. Well, you always tell us if something is wrong and you didn't so this, logically, lead me down the path of you in a heap in front of your computer, dying. But everything is fine now. I've had a breath and a lie down. I think I will be ok.....


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