Sunday, July 22, 2007

I'm back... safe and sound...well, barely

Lake Fun (Medium)Had a good time at the Lake of the Ozarks.  A friend has a really nice house there and we rented a pontoon boat Saturday and went to the Party Cove.  Ten of us laughing, drinking and just having a good old time. 

  As we were leaving we hit the wake of a lot of boats and we started taking on water.   Coolers and everything that wasn’t attached started floating in the boat.  Even some of the bench seats were floating around.   But our brave Cap’n Mel didn’t abandon ship and guided us to safety.   That was something we’ll talk and laugh about for years to come.

There are literally hundreds… maybe thousands of boats in the Party Cove on a nice weekend.  Anything and everything goes on there.  But like they say…. what happens in the Party Cove stays in the Party Cove (except in pictures).  The Lake Patrol made their presence known but it didn’t seem to inhibit the partying crowd very much.

 There were probably close to a billion dollars in boats out there on Saturday.  It’s unbelievable.

Above is an unidentified party reveler with his new girlfriend.

1 comment:

  1. YAAAAAAAAAY!!!! Glad you had a great weekend! Even gladder your back!! All is right with my world again!


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