Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Stupid Styles

Baggypants1I’m sorry, but I think this style of dress is stupid, ugly and shows no class at all.  People who dress like this have no sense of fashion whatsoever.  No one wants to see your underwear.  

Pull your damn pants up!


  1. Man, I couldn't agree more! I laugh when I see one of these guys taking a few steps and have to reach down to pull their pants up. It would be easy to sucker-punch or rob one of these guys. They couldn't run after you.

    This is up there with the hats on screwy. When I was a kid, these fashions were used by those people you would once call 'retarded' or 'moron'. I guess it holds true even today.

    It's especially funny when you see a white guy trying to look like they're from the 'hood'... Get your own style!

  2. FINALLY people who agree with me on this stuff. It's just stupid to dress that way. Impractical and potentially dangerous.

  3. It looks as if they've just sh*t their pants.

  4. I think people should have the legal right to shoot RPGs at cars with bass thumping from their stereos, too.

  5. Heavy people wear baggy clothing to conceal some of their excess skin. Why would a 125 pound person wear something made for a person weighing 250 pounds? And why are the dumb ass broads who date these guys letting them go around dressed like this? I would never be caught dead with a man letting his shorts and short comings show in public like that!

  6. I looked this way once.. staggering down the hallway in search of toilet paper

  7. I always want to yank their stupid pants down completely, but I'd never get close enough to touch 'em. There have been reports of these idiots trying to rob people, and getting caught precisely because they couldn't run away. Morn is too nice a word.

    You know, I really don't want to sound like a racist, but is this sh!t what MLK and the other civil rights pioneers fought and died for? The rght to wear your pants arund your ankles, and whine about how you can't get a job? I wonder why?

  8. I heard that this 'stlye' started in prison - the guys who were spoken for wore the pants like that so others would know he's already somebody elses bitch... go figure.

    Let 'em keep wearing their pants like that - they're easier to catch when they mug someone.

  9. I pulled a kid, like 14, pants down once.. i'm not much older, was in hysterics, accompanied by a few friends. It's a must-do on everyone's list!

  10. Oh, lighten up. It's just a fad that will fade with time. Cotton is cotton, whether it's used to make jeans, boxer shorts, or shirts. As long as some guy's ass isn't showing, what's the big deal?

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  12. This style did start in prison...inmates use it to convey that they are "spoken for" - these inmates are called "punks" or "bitches" and are constantly told to pull up their pants in prison. I like to tell them to pull them higher than they need to and make them walk around the yard like that in front of their boyfriends...


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