Monday, July 23, 2007

Tammy Faye Baker (Messner) on Larry King Live

Tammy_faye_bakerNo matter how you felt about her this is so sad.  This interview was the day before she died.  She looks like she already died.  She weighed 65 pounds.

Watch the video (Some may not want to watch it)


  1. If only Larry looked so good...

  2. Why does Larry seem amused that she can't eat a burger? I watched the entire interview on youtube and he seems to be strangely upbeat through it all. Apparently he has 1 emotion and uses it for every interview.

  3. What a sham(e).

  4. Will miss you Tammy Faye... Now you can have your burger and be at peace! Lotsalove from all your fans down here!

  5. i can't believe she had the strength to carry on an interview while being in so much pain the cancer is a horrible thing to have , poor baby


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