Sunday, August 12, 2007

Inches from a gnarly death




  1. I am surprised there isn't a puddle in the picture between his feet.

  2.'s because he is actually a true "man" for godsakes, unlike so many other people. I too would be calm, imo I am unknowing of any times it would be good to be all "freaked out" and not have a "pair" lol. There, my 2 cents.

  3. Dude, whatever. Tell me you wouldn't be scared in a situation like that. Even in some small way, you'd be a little frightened. No one is truly fearless, unless maybe they're suicidal.

  4. Lets see second anonymous, you wouldn't be scared of an amok? No, no... Your house on fire? Cool as a cucumber. Someone stalking you? Easy walking.
    Nice talking to you, Mr. Bond.
    (Feel free to delete this post, i'm alright with that)

  5. And to think the Animal Rights people in New Jersey say bears are not a threat. With children being dragged out of their sleeping bags at a campsite, they blame the child. F**king Idiots the animal rights people. They want to make all people vegans.

  6. Moments after this photo was taken, the bear climbed up the tree and ate him. Someone else came along and found the camera. This was the last photo taken.

  7. What is an amok?...Anyways, #2 that was me, yeah I'm like bond, I'm smart, quick acting/reflexes but calm in a crazy situation, on a side-note, I wouldnt be in that damn tree in the 1st place, I am a protector of my girl 1st, but I preserve what I can, such as life. In the photo it looks as if that bear is simple standing up, that's how not far up the man appears is lol, bet he's actually thinking "I am just about screwed if I dont have my rifle etc". Grog, I almost believe ya. LOL

  8. Looks as if the picture is staged and I would even go so far as to say the bear spends most of the time on the floor as a rug. Good job!!

  9. Umm...staged? More like Photoshopped. Look at the shadows on the ground and see where the sun must be against the trees.

    Now look where the bear is in relation to the large tree. Now look at the sunlight/shadow on the bear and explain how the light's getting through the large tree...

  10. When a taxidermist preserves an animal, the innards are removed. That includes intestines, eyes, and tongues. So that disproves the 'spends most time on the floor' theory.
    Furthermore, Bears have long tongues that can hang several inches out of their mouths, and the bear is actually standing up, looking up, as you can see from the way the tongue is back in the back of the throat. That doesn't disprove the photoshop idea, but it strengthens the argument against the use of photoshop.
    The 'bond' guy obviously isn't "smart, quick acting/reflexes" ( however that is supposed to sound) because it's pretty obvious he couldn't spell his way out of a fuckin porta-potti.


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