Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The long and winding road

What a cool ride that would be.  Anybody know where this is?Windy-road



  1. From Dark Roasted Blend


    "1. Stelvio Pass Road - redefining switchbacks

    Height - 2757 meters

    Location - in the Italian Alps, near Bormio and Sulden, 75 km from Bolzano, close to Swiss border. (The road connects the Valtellina with the upper Adige valley and Merano)

    Claim to fame - "the highest paved mountain pass in the Eastern Alps, and the second highest in the Alps, after the Col de l'Iseran (2770 m)"

    The image is credited to climbbybike.com

  2. "The highest paved mountain pass in the Eastern Alps, and the second highest in the Alps, after the Col de l'Iseran (2770 m)"

  3. "The highest paved mountain pass in the Eastern Alps, and the second highest in the Alps, after the Col de l'Iseran (2770 m)"

  4. Almost looks like someone took a white "crayon" in photoshop and then added a few "touch ups"

  5. anyone know how to find this on google maps?

  6. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Stelvio+Pass+Road,Adige+,italy&sll=46.220227,10.190763&sspn=0.028149,0.058365&ie=UTF8&ll=46.531705,10.454693&spn=0.027989,0.058365&t=h&z=14&om=1

  7. As far as the location goes, I was going to say it was in photoshop. Guess it's real.

  8. BS!! That is photoshop'd

    No roads look like that in photos

  9. My first reaction was that it is Photoshopped, but I just got home from Italy, and many of the back roads in the country are like this, only not as high. I stayed with my in-laws in a tiny village near Salerno, on a mountainside overlooking the Mediteranean. The road down to the beach was very much like this only it wound through groves of olive trees. You have to beep your horn at every turn because there isn't enough room for two cars and you don't want to tumble over the side if you react badly to the surprise appearance of someone coming the other way.

  10. It's real, I was on that road last week

  11. It's the road between New Orleans and Baton Rouge

  12. Definitely photoshopped, you guys are so gullible. Look at the roads on the other side of the valley, they are real. If the other roads are single lane (most likely) then the drawn in road has to be a 5 to six lane highway!!!!!!! Plus the terrain does not match the road. If you had a switchback road like that, it would disappear behind the terrain. HAHAHAHA so gullible

  13. I located this area on Google Earth, and there is a road in the area. It looks like it is a straighter road closer to the bottom of the valley which you can see in the lower and mid portions of this picture and appears to climb the mountain with more switchbacks which would be at the top of this picture. Difficult for me to see here, but obvious in Google Earth. The enormous, strangely bright "road" in this picture flies off the mountain and just doesn't exist that high up the "green" mountainside. Most of the colorful greenery is fake as well. The trees don't seem to exist and at that elevation, there is probably no vegetation at all. Someone went through a lot of effort to enhance a picture, but failed miserably.

  14. The aliens did it.

  15. It appears real. Go to Google Earth, search Stelvio Pass and there it is. There are even several Panaramio pics attached.

  16. Looks like Stelvio indeed

  17. [img]http://www.ulb.ac.be/di/ssd/ldoyen/images/stelvioOverview.jpg[/img]

  18. http://www.ulb.ac.be/di/ssd/ldoyen/images/stelvioOverview.jpg

  19. There is a road. It's nothing like what is shown in this picture. Fake, fake, fffaaakkkeee.

  20. It's my driveway!

  21. Check this out:


  22. Listen! It's aliens. I know it is. I saw them. I gave them a ride there, and they built the road. They did. Now stop arguing about it. It's real.


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