Saturday, August 25, 2007

Westward bound

570 miles from St. Louis lands us in North Sioux City, South Dakota. That’s just across the border from Sioux City Iowa.

The ride was much easier than the trip from Florida to St. Louis… at least for me. The weather was actually great. It was cloudy and overcast at 5:10 am this morning when we left St. Louis. I was so cool, I quickly donned a jacket to supplement the long sleeve shirt I was wearing from the get-go. It slowly cleard and warmed up as we crossed Missouri heading towards Kansas City. By the time we haded noth of KC on I-29 I was in a T-Shirt (sunscreen applied, Mom). It was a great ride. I really enjoyed listening to the radio (on my Ultra Classic) as I traversed the roads of northern Missouuri, Iowa and Nebraska, and into South Dakota.

BadlandsI could have rode farther, but our leader, Mel (of Mel’s Angels) was pooped and wanted to call it a night. So we checked into a Hampton Inn and found a nearby restaurant and had a good meal. Then it was back to the hotel where I checked email and made a few posts on the high speed internet connection (obviously).

It’s an early start tomorrow as we meet for breakfast at 7 am and head on over to Rapid City with stops along the way at the Corn Palace, the Badlands and world famous Wall Drug Store.

I’ll report again the next time I have access. Hopefully with some pictures I took.


  1. Well, I hope you enjoy your stay in our town. Out of curiosity, where did you eat dinner at?

  2. We ate at Graham's Bar & Grill near the interstate. We stayed at the Hampton Inn at the next exit. (I stopped up the toilet) Ooops! (I didn't mean to do it.)


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