Monday, September 03, 2007

Safe and sound

We made it back home safe and sound.  3,424 miles total.   I know everyone isn’t interested in our travels, as proven by this comment and the 2nd comment here, (which were very funny by the way), so I’ll limit my posts about the trip to maybe one more tomorrow, if I can come up with anything interesting.

So, it’s back to the things that brought you here originally.  

I do want to thank the people who did follow along (virtually) on our trip west and commented.  I enjoyed reading the comments and that’s what kept me posting our exploits.  

Thanks again.


  1. Hey, it was fun reading about your adventures. Those "criticisms" SEEM tongue-in-cheek, but still... It was interesting to SOME of us. 8)

  2. I quite enjoyed reading along a you took your trip. Quite envious really LOL

  3. Glad you had a safe trip. Just for the record it seems mighty strange than the 'nay sayers' read your posts and took time to comment...I would guess they are jealous that you were out having fun...
    Loved all the pictures and all the posts...took me back years... thanks for sharing

  4. I enjoyed "riding along" on your trip! My daughter and son-in-law were driving along nearly the same route at the same time!

  5. I loved reading what you were up to. It also stopped me from having Jonco withdrawals which can be quite unpleasant!!

  6. I really like hearing about the motorcycle trips. Especially the pictures.

  7. I really enjoyed the pictures of the trip, and the stories too! I'm a daily reader of this blog.
    Keep 'em come'n.

  8. thanks for all the updates. felt like i was riding with you!

  9. I've been trying to convince my 'Old Man' to do one of two things for years... Start browsing the net just to discover some of the interesting stuff available... Or at least get him to buy that Harley that he's wanted for years...

    Then just the other day I show him the post of your new bike. He's been following your posts everyday since. Might finally even persuade him to buy that Harley....

    Thanks for taking us along for the ride.

  10. I too enjoy reading about your motorcycle trips . Believe me, it really adds life to the blog.

  11. I enjoy the things this great country of ours got to offer but, I watched a two hour special on PBS just a couple days prior to your adventure. Just about everything you post was on that PBS Special. However, there is nothing better then seeing everything in person. Take care and keep your posts coming. By the way Jonco I would like for you to e-mail me at
    I want to discuss something.

  12. I love reading alone and the pictures are always great. Ignore the criticism, some people are just malicious, but who are they to deny us great pictures and a chance to ride b*tch with you!


  13. I really enjoyed following your trip details. I have been riding a 49cc scooter for over 6 years and it's pretty unlikely I'll be retracing your wheeltracks soon, so no complaints here!

  14. I quite enjoyed taking a virtual vacation ...and I didn't get any bugs in my teeth!

  15. I loved looking at the pictures of the trip, and what you've done while you were on it. You never know, I might get to head in that direction someday, and I would love to go where you've been, because it's so beautiful. Thanks for opening the road.

  16. Ignore those old stick-in-the-muds. You can do what you want with your blog and they don't have to read it. Dorks!

  17. I Liked the posts of your trip, keep 'em coming! If I can't get away myself, at least I can have a 'virtual vacation' here!!

  18. I Loved the fact that you took Harley with you all the way. See, I work at Build-A-Bear and immediately recognized him as our classic Curly Teddy. I sent my regional manager some of the pictures and she loved them, too!!! I Like you guys! Those that don't, go read something else.
    Ms. MSue

  19. Don't you worry about those people dissing you posting about your trips. Some of us are not able to travel and like to hear about places far away. Besides, those making negative comments are just jealous!

  20. I enjoyed your posts also. I guess if they do not like reading about your adventures you do not need them visiting the site.

    I was raised in Wyoming and drove through South Dakota and Nebraska yearly, so it brought back memories even Wall, SD such as it is. I am now on the west coast so it has been along time since I have made the trek.

    Thanks for the trip and the great posts.

  21. I enjoyed your pictures and narration of your adventures. Wish I was with you instead of starting school...

    btw I am a daily reader--love the stuff you find to share with us.

  22. I loved being a part of your journey. I got to see parts of this beautiful country that i will probly never see myself. So keep writing...I love every minute of it.
    Mandy in Louisiana
    P.S. Maybe you can take a ride down here in Louisiana. If for anything , for the food...hahaha

  23. Hi loved reading about your trip, would love to do a trip like my self, But I live in Ireland, an to ride for 3,424 miles I would have to ride around it about 6 times. lol.I have been looking at your blog for a long time now. keep up the good work

  24. I looked forward to reading about your trip every day. Loved the pics.


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