Monday, January 28, 2008

We've moved! Finally!

OK kids….we’ve finnaly made the move official.   We’re not completely set up.  As a matter of fact, I just got it up tonight (Monday).  I still haven’t been able to import all the old posts, but I’m still working on that.  

But, I’ve inserted the B&P logo, added a few links and made a few posts, and it seems to be working.   So come on over… make yourself comfortable.  Bookmark the new url and be patient as I learn all about WordPress.

Here we go……

I’ll try to keep this site up as long as I can.


  1. Aw, can't post anonymous anymore over there.

  2. Oh MAN I feel your pain. I moved mine from Blogger too... Importing posts is actually pretty easy. I'm gonna go see the new place now. :-)

  3. I'm on my way!!!!!!!

  4. Good luck with the new home, I'll be there for the house warming...

  5. Happy to see you again.I moved mine too...;)

  6. hey there! just got to make sure you have make sure that your post pages under the achive settings in blogger is set to yes. and import again from wordpress. :)

  7. Glad you got it up!


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