Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Did you know there is a sawed-of shotgun on the Space Station?

ShotgunWhy is there a sawed-off shotgun on the International Space Station?  To fight Alien invaders?  In case of war on Earth so the Cosmonauts can kill the US Astronauts? NO.

Read the following paragraph and you will see that Russians take the Wolf problem very


“In 1965, two cosmonauts overshot their touchdown site by 1,200 miles and found themselves deep in a forest with hungry wolves. That's when Russian space officials decided to pack a sawed-off shotgun aboard every spacecraft.  It took Russian search crews more than two hours to locate the spacecraft and another two hours for helicopters to get support  crews to the landing site.”

(The above paragraph is from the May 6th, 2003 CBSnews.com article “Astronaut Enjoys Wild Ride To Earth” on the return of US Astronauts in a Soyuz spacecraft leaving from the International Space Station after the loss of Space Shuttle Columbia)



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