Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Edgar bites the dust

Truffle ShuffleFan’s of 24 were shocked when Edgar didn’t make it back to safety in time to save himself.  Apparently he succumbed to nerve gas that the terrorists had planted at CTU.   Or did he?  We don’t actually know that he was killed.  We’re assuming that.   Maybe, just maybe, there was a gas mask under the desk and he saved himself.   Doesn't look promising though.

Here are some comments about Edgar Stile’s demise on last nights episode from Blogs4Bauer.com:

  • Do we count him as 2 bodies on the Jack Bauer Kill Counter?
  • YAY! More space for the rest of us.
  • it's a lesson to us all. if you're a fatass, you can't outrun nerve gas.
  • He's gone to that big server room in the sky...  Either that, or the big donut shop in the sky...
  • In memory of Edgar. From this day forth, a single donut shall go uneaten every day so that Edgar's spirit does not starve!
  • Edgar's death means only one thing.  Tony Soprano is the brains behind the whole operation.  He got revenge for Truffle Shuffle making Big Pussy into an informant.
  • Oh my god, they killed Edgar.  YOU BASTARDS!
  • I just want to know one thing. Why wasn't every station at CTU equipped with masks? - 1 word: FEMA
  • Dead-gar
  • I cried, It was an awful thing to happen to Edgar. After I cried I punched myself in the face, because that is what Jack would do.
  • Jack should have shot Kim's new boy just get his anger level down to "Threat/Torture Level - Red"



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