Thursday, April 13, 2006

Dead woman watches TV for 3 years

Borrowed in it’s entirety from J-Walk Blog

WatchtvA woman's skeleton was discovered in her flat three years after she is believed to have died, it emerged today.

Joyce Vincent was surrounded by Christmas presents and the television and heating in her bedsit were still on.

The 40-year-old's body was so decomposed that the only way to identify her was to compare dental records with a holiday photograph.

Police believe she probably died of natural causes in early 2003, and was only found in January this year when housing association officials broke into the bedsit in Wood Green, North East London.

How can this happen?  
Who paid the rent… or utilities? 
What about the smell of decaying flesh? 
Wouldn’t the mail man notice her mail piling up for 3 years?

The BBC also reported on this story here.  This story answers some of the questions just posed.

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