Thursday, April 13, 2006

More corruption in sports

Florida prison system hires a ringer to win softball tournament

Prison ballTALLAHASSEE, Fla. – The state Corrections Department put a former minor league baseball player on the payroll in a no-show job so that he could help prison guards win a softball tournament, investigators say.

The ringer, Mark Guerra, 34, agreed to repay $1,400 and complete 50 hours of community service, state Attorney General Charlie Crist said Wednesday.

Guerra was charged with accepting paychecks for work never done at a prison library. Investigators said he accepted the money to play on the winning team in a tournament held last May by Corrections Secretary Jim Crosby.

Crosby was fired by Gov. Jeb Bush last month.

“It is disturbing that a state agency would place so much importance on a team sport that it would stoop to committing crimes,” Crist said.



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