Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm back!!!!!

Airport monitorFast trip huh?   Actually, I didn’t go.   I got to the airport about 6:30 this morning for an 8:05 flight.  I went through the longest security checkpoint line I’ve ever seen  (and I fly about 10–12 times a year).  After clearing security, I went to the monitors to see which gate my flight left from.  I didn’t see my flight listed on the monitor so I went up to a counter, thinking they changed the flight number.   I handed the lady there, my boarding pass and told her I didn’t see my flight listed on the departure monitor.

She said… are you ready for this………………..  ( you know what’s coming don’t you?) ………. “Sir, this is a 8:05 PM flight.” 


They had a 9:00 AM flight to Tampa, but it was sold out.  I could get put on a standby list for that flight, but…. “Oh my, you have a really great fare on your original 8:05 PM flight ($69.40).  You’d have to pay an upgrade to change flights.   It would cost you an additional $180 to upgrade.”  There was no guarantee that I’d even get on that flight.   The next flight wouldn’t leave until after noon.  

I called my aunt and told her I wasn’t going to come unless she really needed me to.  She said she understood.  I have another flight set for mid August ($72), so I’ll save my visit for then.  Besides this was only going to be a quick 2 day trip.  I’ll have an extra day next month.


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