Sunday, July 15, 2007


Super Crotch (Small) (2)This is me taking a gander at Superman’s crotch.  Not everyone has seen that view…. nor wants to, I’m sure.  I’m 6’3”, so Superman is quite the big guy.  The Superman statue is in the town square in Metropolis Illinois. 

Rode down to the Land Between The Lakes, had a very tasty 2 inch pork chop for dinner early Saturday afternoon at a place called Bills Restaurant in Patties Settlement.

We then rode about half way through the Land Between the Lakes and headed up to Paducah for the night.   Early Sunday morning we headed over to the Cave-In-Rock, which is a cave in a big rock on the Ohio river.  It’s also the name of the town.   We had fried catfish for lunch/dinner at the lodge/restaurant there.   From there we headed to the Garden of the Gods in Shawnee National Forest in Southeastern IL.  We spent an hour or so on the giant rocks overlooking the national park.  Then it was on the bikes for a looong ride home.   Total mileage: right at 700 miles.

I’ll post more soon.     Off to bed now for an early flight to Florida.  Should be home and back to normal Wednesday evening.

Update:  By popular demand:  Superman’s “package” didn’t look that impressive from my vantage point.


  1. You should have gone to Mammoth Cave. That place is amazing. I highly recommend it.

  2. You must have legs of steel. isnt the shawnee forest beautiful? there is so much great scenery in southern illinois

  3. So is he really super man???

  4. Spiiderweb is right, this site rules...

  5. I wish Northern Illinois were half as pretty and scenic and wild as Souther Illinois. We have our rivers and forests and fields here to the west of Chicago, but it doesn't compare to downstate...

    Oh, and, Jonco -- we DO want to know. How super IS Superman, anyhow? ;)

  6. I grew up in S. Illinois and have been to all the places you went. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!


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