Saturday, September 01, 2007

Computer Problems

I am having some computer problems so that’s why I haven’t posted much besides my trip posts.  I think the problem might be related to the 1600+ pics I have in the folder from this trip.   I’m going to try to break the flder down into smaller folders.   I also downloaded a spybot cleaner and it found 146 things it needed to fix.   So hopefully things will help my laptop perform better.

Update:  I’m not able to copy pictures from the web usins the right-click “Save As” context menu thingy for some reason.  I’m working on this.


  1. I suggest you use a good web browser like Firefox from now on.

  2. I'm having trouble with my bladder these days. It's something else when you sneeze and you piss your pants.

    I bought some Depends and I just piss to my hearts content.

    (I'm so glad we get to share everything that goes on in our lives with eachother...because we care!) ;-)


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