Saturday, September 01, 2007

Yellowstone National Park Drive Thru

We only had a few hours to do a drive thru of Yellowstone National Park.   We stopped a few times, but not nearly enough.   But I saw enough to know that I’d like to return again when I have more time to explore. 

It seems like we just keep seeing bigger and better things every new day.

Remnants from a forest fire.  This covered a lot of acres.
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Traffic Jam  Shortly after we entered the park we ran across a traffic jam.  It seems that a herd of bison were crossing the roadway… and at their own  s l o w  pace.

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Boiling water from a cone geyser – This is just incredible to see.

Water falls

Grand Teton Naional Park (A little south of Yellowstone)
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After leaving Teton Naional Park we drove the longest 45 mile drive I ever did.  Much of the road is under construction and we were on gravel and dirt for what seemed like hours. 

We’re off on an early start Saturday heading towards home.  

Total miles logged so far:  Just over 2,000


  1. I've enjoyed reading abouut your trip. and seeing your picture's

    I ride also 1500 Vl Intruder Suzuki I've never been on such a long ride as the one your on. Sound's like a blast.. Please continue to ride safe.


    PS Love the blog , Been a daily reader daily over the summer.

  2. Beautiful Pictures. We moved from WA state to WI last summer and went through the places you're going through now. Your pictures are bringing back some fond memories! :) Enjoy and be safe!! :)

  3. Thanks for posting the pictures! It's a lovely country -I wish I could get out and see more of it.

  4. WOW! Thank you so much for taking the time to post this trip. I don't travel well and I have never taking a trip just for the sake of traveling. (and most likely never will) So getting to read about this trip and been the highlight of my day since you have been on the road. I hope your blessed to take (and post about) a thousand more trips.

    PS wasn't even a little bit scary to have such a HUGE wild animal that close while you were on a bike?

  5. thanks for such a nice ride with you!

  6. G'day
    Fantastic pictures of your travels
    Have enjoyed looking at them
    Makes me want to visit again and see for myself
    Take care


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