Thursday, April 20, 2006

SpongeBob Found Dead

Spongebob Dead


Deliciously Demented said...

Omgzz nooooo, spongebob! That's why they stopped doing new episodes!?

Anonymous said...

:O Omg Thas Mean!
Spongebob Rockss !
Love Him Fo Everrrr.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Spongebob Rules!!!!
he's the coolest! Dude! Seriously!!!! :D

~currant7 said...

my my my...wondered why he had to go swim through that part of the world.

elnino araujo said...

Life is Not Fair.....
Why... Why... Why.... God..???

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!!! Spongebob is stupid!

Anonymous said...

spongebob rulz so be nice. o and anyone who reeds my post just so ya no, he's not being mean cuz obviously he watches it. but 2 tell the truth he can get quite annoying.

Anonymous said...

Spongebob used to be great until his movie was released, then the show lost faith in us.

Anonymous said...

that is sooooooooooo mean I don't like 1 bit spongebob is a god i worship him your mean to do that sort of thing GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :(

Anonymous said...

why?????? why?? *cries* poor spongebob :(